Essential Grave and Tombstone Maintenance Tips


After a burial takes place, you can place a gravestone at the site. Doing so is one of the ways you can commemorate your loved one. When you put time and effort into choosing a tombstone, you'll want to keep the grave area tidy. Here are some tips that should make your life easier. Identify Who is Responsible When you bury someone, it's worth identifying who's responsible for various tasks. Some graveyard owners and churches agree that they will mow the grass periodically.

23 October 2019

Why Granite Is the Material of Choice for a Memorial Monument


If you've just lost somebody close to you, then you may be making arrangements for their burial and want to come up with a monument as a fitting and lasting tribute. You have several options available to you, but you should always consider granite as the material of choice for such a situation. Why is this? Naturally Perfect Granite was initially formed from cooling magma and has been lying beneath the Earth's surface for thousands of years.

30 May 2019

How to Plan Your Funeral


Since death is unavoidable, it is best that you let your final wishes known before you die. While you may put this in writing, most family members will gladly respect your last wishes. Below are some of the things you should let your family know.  Burial method.  How would you like your family to dispose of your body once you die? Many people choose a ground burial or cremation. However, you may decide to be mummified or buried at sea.

22 February 2019