How to Plan Your Funeral


Since death is unavoidable, it is best that you let your final wishes known before you die. While you may put this in writing, most family members will gladly respect your last wishes. Below are some of the things you should let your family know. 

Burial method. 

How would you like your family to dispose of your body once you die? Many people choose a ground burial or cremation. However, you may decide to be mummified or buried at sea. You may also opt for an environmentally friendly method, such as tree planting. Here, a tree is planted in your ashes to give your loved ones a living memory. Promession is another eco-friendly method that turns your body into fertiliser. If possible, consider donating your bodily organs to sick patients or for medical research. 

Funeral home.

When choosing a funeral home, consider the following; 

  • The proximity of the facility to your home or burial ground.
  • The funeral home should offer essential services, such as embalming, cosmetology, cremation and transport.
  • You can opt for a funeral home that provides a comprehensive funeral package including planning the funeral.
  • If you would want cultural or religious rites performed on the body, ask the management if they offer such services.

Funeral director. 

Some families have a dedicated funeral director to plan their funerals. If this is the case, meet with the funeral director and explain to him or her how you would want your funeral planned. For instance, you can show him where you would want your body buried or how you would want your ashes disposed. 

Funeral day. 

You can ask some family members, a musician or a band to sing at your funeral. You can also leave a speech to be read along with the eulogy. This is a good way of comforting and encouraging friends and family as they mourn your death. They will remember you as a brave person in both life and death. 


Take up a funeral insurance policy to cater for the funeral costs. Preferably, take a comprehensive cover policy that will pay for all funeral expenses. You can also choose to set up a funeral fund to cater for the ceremony. This can be beneficial if you expect a lot of people to attend the funeral. You can also leave some funds for a family vacation after the funeral. 

When planning your funeral, consider the burial method, funeral home, funeral director, funeral program and the costs of your funeral. 


22 February 2019

Tips for Writing and Organising Meaningful Funerals

Welcome to my blog. My name is Molly, and a few years ago, I lost my husband to heart disease. He had only just turned fifty, and it wasn't anything we were expecting. Through my intense grief, I had to host and organise a funeral. I wanted to include religious elements from our pasts, but I also wanted to be true to the non-religious but spiritual beliefs of my husband. I think many people are in the same position, and if you are, I want to help you. This blog focuses on making funerals meaningful. It provides tips, ideas, facts and more. I hope it inspires you.