Asian Funerals: 5 Traditions


Funerals are a time to mourn, remember, and honour the life of a person who has passed away. In Asian cultures, funerals are steeped in tradition and cultural practices that reflect the deep respect and reverence for the deceased. Here are five traditions commonly observed in Asian funerals. Scroll down to find out more.

White Clothing

In many Asian cultures, white is the colour of mourning and is worn by family members and close relatives of the deceased during the funeral. This tradition is particularly prevalent in China, where white is associated with death and is considered a colour of mourning.

Ancestor Worship

Ancestor worship is a common tradition in many Asian cultures, and it is often incorporated into funeral ceremonies. Ancestor worship involves honouring and venerating the spirits of ancestors who have passed away. This is typically done through offerings of food, incense, and other offerings at the funeral. Paper offerings are a traditional practice in many Asian cultures, particularly in Chinese and Vietnamese funerals. These paper offerings, also known as joss paper, are burned as a way of sending goods and money to the deceased in the afterlife.

The Funeral Procession

The funeral procession is a solemn and dignified procession that accompanies the deceased to their final resting place. The procession is typically led by a hearse carrying the casket, followed by family members, friends, and other mourners. In many Asian cultures, the funeral procession may also include traditional musicians playing funeral music.

Mourning Period

In many Asian cultures, there is a specific mourning period following the funeral. This period can last for several days, weeks, or even months, depending on the culture and traditions of the family. During this time, family members may abstain from certain activities or foods as a sign of respect for the deceased.


Asian funerals contain many practices that are designed to show respect for the deceased. From the white clothing worn by family members to the burning of paper offerings, these traditions serve as a way of honouring and remembering the life of the deceased. Whether you are of Asian descent or not, understanding these traditions can help you show your support and respect for those grieving the loss of a loved one. If you would like to find out more about Asian funerals, you should contact a local funeral service today. A member of staff will be happy to help.


20 April 2023

Tips for Writing and Organising Meaningful Funerals

Welcome to my blog. My name is Molly, and a few years ago, I lost my husband to heart disease. He had only just turned fifty, and it wasn't anything we were expecting. Through my intense grief, I had to host and organise a funeral. I wanted to include religious elements from our pasts, but I also wanted to be true to the non-religious but spiritual beliefs of my husband. I think many people are in the same position, and if you are, I want to help you. This blog focuses on making funerals meaningful. It provides tips, ideas, facts and more. I hope it inspires you.