How To Choose A Pre-Paid Funeral Plan


Pre-paid funeral plans have become popular in the last few years due to their ability to ease the funeral preparation and funding process. Typically, the plan is an insurance cover that caters to your funeral costs once you die. Applying for the funeral plan should be a well-thought process. Below is an article discussing some of your concerns when applying for a pre-paid funeral. 

What Does The Plan Cover? 

You must read the fine print of the engagement contract to know what payments the funeral home will make. Some funeral plans will only cater to immediate funeral costs, such as funeral home costs and cemetery fees. As such, your family members will have to pay event planning fees, the minister's charges, and other miscellaneous expenses. If possible, go for a comprehensive cover that pays all funeral expenses. 

How Will You Make Payments? 

There are two ways to make payments for your funeral plan. You could either pay a lump sum amount or in several instalments. The disadvantage of a lump sum payment is that you may not have instant cash to make your payment. As a rule of thumb, you should not give cash payments. Instead, pay via cheque, bank transfer or credit card. It ensures you have sufficient evidence that you paid for the funeral plan. 

Can You Change The Initial Arrangements?

Changing situations could compel you to amend the initial plan. For example, if the funeral plan covered your spouse, you would want to remove them from the plan if you are separated or divorced. You could also want to have an independent funeral director or change the funeral from burial to cremation. Ideally, the funeral plan should give you the flexibility to change the arrangement to suit your current needs.  

Can You Cash Out Your Payments? 

Since the pre-paid funeral plan works similarly to a life insurance policy, you should be in a position to cash out your payments if you are in dire need of funds or make other arrangements regarding your funeral. In some cases, the funeral director will require a few weeks' notice. In other cases, you will be permitted to withdraw a specified percentage of your funds. 

What Happens If The Funeral Home Goes Out Of Business? 

The unplanned can happen, and the funeral home goes out of business. In this case, you should ensure that your funds are well protected. Ideally, you should receive all your funds. 

The secret to taking a pre-paid funeral plan is to ensure that you work with a local funeral director. Assess what the plan covers, how you will make payments, whether you can change the initial arrangement and how to cash out your payments or receive your funds if the funeral home goes out of business. 


11 June 2021

Tips for Writing and Organising Meaningful Funerals

Welcome to my blog. My name is Molly, and a few years ago, I lost my husband to heart disease. He had only just turned fifty, and it wasn't anything we were expecting. Through my intense grief, I had to host and organise a funeral. I wanted to include religious elements from our pasts, but I also wanted to be true to the non-religious but spiritual beliefs of my husband. I think many people are in the same position, and if you are, I want to help you. This blog focuses on making funerals meaningful. It provides tips, ideas, facts and more. I hope it inspires you.